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Defect Inspection

The Scanning Acoustic Tomograph FineSAT uses ultrasonic waves to obtain images of internal voids, cracks, abrasion, etc., in materials such as semiconductor packages, electronic components, ceramics, metals, resins, in a non-destructive manner. FineSAT can also detect nanometer gaps that cannot be detected by X-ray equipment, infrared inspection equipment or optical microscope. FineSAT Ⅲ, the third-generation equipment of FineSAT, has the best performance for basic functions such as high resolution, and it is equipped with the most enhanced analysis software that provides high-speed auto measurement, transmission/reflection simultaneous measurement function and defect auto-detection function. Furthermore, it has improved usability, including batch storage of flaw-searched data, and can be used in a wide range of applications; from large amount inspection in the production process to research and development. Probe frequency (MHz)*1 = 5–140

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