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6" Fab For Sale from Moov - Click Here to Learn More
6" Fab For Sale from Moov - Click Here to Learn More
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6" Fab For Sale from Moov - Click Here to Learn More
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The FEI Strata DB 235 is a dual-beam system that combines the capabilities of a focused ion beam (FIB) and a scanning electron microscope (SEM). It features both a Hexalens electron column and a Magnum ion column, making it well-suited for failure analysis and high-end sample preparation. The SEM component uses a Schottkey emitter and operates at 200-300 kV, while the FIB component uses Gallium liquid metal and operates at 5 to 30 kV with a current range of 1pA to 20 nA. The system offers high resolution, with 3 nm for SEM and 7 nm for FIB. It is controlled by the Window NT system and can perform automated TEM sample preparation. An attached EDAX electron dispersive X-ray analysis system allows for chemical analysis. Additionally, the FIB/SEM has the unique ability to add or remove material with high spatial resolution between precisely defined locations.

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