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SST 772


The Spray Solvent Tool (SST) is a compact, efficient system that enhances chemical reactions on wafer surfaces. It employs mechanical and centrifugal forces to achieve uniform coverage on both sides of the wafer. The closed loop process control ensures consistent results, while continuous recycling and filtration of chemicals reduce waste. The SST offers precise temperature control and flexibility in chemical delivery methods. With its high throughput, small footprint, and operator safety features, it provides reliable and low-maintenance operation. The tool supports various processes, including GaAs clean, metal lift-off, photoresist removal, post-etch residue removal, and thin film heads. It utilizes technologies such as copper RDL and pillar structures. Flexibility - featuring two, four, or seven tank configuration in small footprint cabinet; process chambers, product carriers, and quick-disconnect rotors are available for wafers up to 200mm

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